Paleo Diet Menu

Paleo Diet Menu for a Healthy Standard of Living

Paleo Diet Menu
The diet our forefathers used to eat is termed as the Paleo Diet Menu. The people at that time used to hunt the animals for eating them as food. The people started consuming grains before 10,000 years ago. This was through to be an essential and major change of diet otherwise 99% people were having grain free diet. So many people are not able to digest the grains so paleo diet menu is very indispensable for them.
The recipes in paleo diet menu are so simple and classy and there is no need for having a lot of ingredients. There are certain times when one wants to make some food suing a quick recipe with fewer ingredients then the paleo diet menu recipes are the best choice so we cannot say that we can never consider these recipes as they are helpful at times. Some of the examples of such tips are mayonnaise, salsa, butter clarification, fermenting of vegetables and fish etc. there are some foods which I consume by using the paleo diet menu recipes offer so many flavors which I have never tasted before in a regular American diet. Examples include Bone marrow, squid, venison, liver pate, rabbit, tongue, heart and coconut etc.
I always try for people to make it easy to cook good food and also let them know about the health and unhealthy foods. One more plus point is that a person can skip the meal anytime and paleo diet is not about having three courses of meal in a day. Some examples are soups, stews etc.

Paleo Menu - The Quickest Way To A Healthier Life

About what they ate? What diet they followed? Well, today the diet of our ancestors is referred to as the Palaeolithic diet and it's popularity is growing. People who conform to this diet reflect the ancient paleo menu of the early humans. This menu is composed of all-natural foods such as lean meats, chicken, seafood, fruits, fresh vegetables and healthy fats.
The Paleolithic diet boasts a lot of effects. According to the theory of this diet, Once our body is free from foods that we haven't adjusted to eating for example grains, dairy products, sugar, and chemically processed foods, we will feel and become considerably healthier. The caveman didn't have to worry about such issues because his menu didn't involve unsafe foods.
If you do make your mind up to adhere to a paleo menu, ensure that you are ready to give up on processed and packaged foods in exchange of all-natural diet. Keep in mind that your meals will mostly consist of meat, cooked green vegetables (potatoes out) and a salad. For snacks you can sustain yourself with fruits, berries of all shapes and sizes, and seeds and nuts. The problem most people face is when eating out, restaurant menus don't usually include paleo friendly meals.

A Typical Paleo Diet Menu

If you've recently become familiar with the paleo diet then you may be wondering what a typical fellow paleo dieter eats in a day. As you know, the paleo diet does not allow grains, processed vegetable oils, peanuts or processed foods. When you create a paleo diet menu plan, then you need to compose your meals of meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Breakfast (eggs and vegetables): 

- 4 Omega-3 enriched eggs 
- 150g Frozen broccoli 
- 100g Frozen cauliflower 
- 50g Frozen carrots 
- 15g Coconut Oil 
- Two teaspoons organic vegetable spice

Lunch (leftover chicken from previous night): 

- 3 Chicken thighs 
- Mashed sweet potatoes 
- A salad with lettuce, bell peppers and cucumbers

Dinner (meat pizza, meatza): 

- A pound of ground beef 
- Two onions 
- Three cloves of garlic 
- Three carrots 
- Salt 
- Organic Pizza Sauce 
- Cheese 
- Oregano

Bake in an oven until ready and cheese has obtained a brown color.
Most paleo dieters are fine with eating high-fat dairy such as butter and cheese since it adds great variety to the diet and has been proven to have health benefits. Eating salt in moderation is fine too.